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  • joshuaseviour

When to trim my hedges?

Just like tree and shrubs, hedges require regular maintenance to look healthy. They will need trimming to keep shape and stay within boundary's, but also removal of dead or diseased branches. As hedges are made up of difference species of trees, its normal for there to be different times that they need to be trimmed. As with trees, there is a best time to be cutting back those hedges.

All new hedges will need formative pruning in their first few years to establish good structure and shape for the mature hedge to grow into. This is the process of removing unwanted branches and leaving the more favourable. This is usually carried out in winter or early spring.

Once the hedges have matured and taken the desired shape, they will need to be trimmed once a year for informal hedges, and either two or three times a year for formal hedges.


Maintenance trimming is best done twice a year between May and August. Privet is a fast growing hedge so it's important to trim regularly to keep it looking nice with dense foliage.

Pruning is best done in late winter before the spring growth starts.


Maintenance trimming should be done twice a year, ideally once in May and then again in the Autumn.

Pruning is best done in winter before the spring growth starts.


Maintenance trimming should be done twice a year, once in June and then again between August and September.

Pruning is best done in spring.


Beech trimming should again be done twice a year. Once in early June and again in early August to produce a new flush of leaves to keep it looking good throughout winter.

Pruning isn't really necessary, however if it needs it then pruning should be done in winter.


Hazel should be trimmed between late winter and early spring for aesthetic reasons (Feb-Apr).

Again, pruning should ideally be done in winter.


Trim your Laurel in spring as the cut edge will heal quickly and cover with new growth. To encourage more growth, trim your Laurel hedge again in July or August. As these have large leaves, smaller hedges can be done with shears. However, larger hedges will need a hedge trimmer, just be sure to trim fairly hard to get a nice, sharp line.

Pruning can be done any time up till the end of summer. Pruning after this will run the risk of winter damage.


Leylandii is best trimmed three times a year. April, July and then again in late August. As you are unable to cut below the green foliage due to it not being able to recover, regular trimming is necessary.

Lawson Cypress

Trim Lawson Cypress late in the year, between September and December, to avoid "bleeding".

Pruning should be undertaken between March and October.

In general, maintenance trimming should be carried about between spring and summer. We do have to take into account the nesting season which runs from March to August. Extra care should be taken to ensure nesting birds are not disturbed. It is an offence under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built.

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